What Should a Consciousness Mind-Brain Theory be Like? Reducing the Secret of the Rainbow to the Colours of a Prism -Sultan Tarlacı -
The real world is a copy and the shadow of the real thing. According to Plato, the ideal world is inside in the subconscious mind, thus, the physical one in which we live is a corruption of the real thing.
Artistic expressed and creation are the real world that is indexed into the corrupted one.
"Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself."
Perfect triangle, as it might be described by a mathematician. This would be a description of the Form or Idea of (a) Triangle. Plato says such Forms exist in an abstract state but independent of minds in their own realm. Considering this idea of a perfect triangle, we might also be tempted to take a pencil and paper and draw it. Our attempts will of course fall short. Plato would say that peoples’ attempts to recreate the Form will end up being a pale facsimile of the perfect Idea, just as everything in this world is an imperfect representation of its perfect form. The Idea or Form of a triangle and the drawing we come up with is a way of comparing the perfect and imperfect. How good our drawing is will depend on our ability to recognize the Form of the Triangle. Although no one has ever seen a perfect triangle, for Plato this is not a problem. If we can conceive the Idea or Form of a perfect triangle in our mind, then the Idea of a Triangle must exist.
"Freud said that whether we intend it or not' were all poets"
According to Freud to the individual, in particular, it is possible to enter a terra incognita into the secret area hidden by each of us through the dream. The dream is the main way of unconscious activity through which one can understand our depths. In a dream, the person is detached from external stimuli and external influences are reduced, and therefore the dream reveals the true nature of man.
Plato argued many years before Freud - that man's true nature is expressed in dreams. Dreams are the most important revelations of our inner lives
"Freud said that whether we intend it or not, we're all poets. That's because, on most nights, we dream. And dreams are a lot like poetry, in that in both, we express our internal life in similar ways. We conjure images; we combine incongruent elements to evoke emotion in a more efficient way than wordier descriptions can, and we use unconscious and tangential associations rather than logic to tell a story."
"Dreams allow us to be what we cannot be, and to say what we do not say, in our more repressed daily lives."
(What Do Dreams Do for Us? -Ilana Simons Ph.D.- )